In a very short time “retweeting” has become one of the most powerful ways of connecting online effectively. Technically “retweeting” means taking someone else’s twitter messages and sharing them with your followers, but why is it such a powerful engagement tool?
The most important aspect of a twitter account is the value it adds to followers. The more interesting and relevant the content the more helpful a resource your twitter account will be. You will have people coming back to check out your content, and also increase your followers too. By retweeting great content, you are giving over quality material and building your own brand, but this reason misses a fundamental point....retweeting shows you ‘care’.
In the online world everyone is seeking attention and wanting to get their brand as much attention as possible. By retweeting you are paradoxically sending people away from your site to someone else’s site! But in fact the dynamic builds a deep, trusting relationship with your followers. You are showing them that it is not only about ‘you’ and ‘your’ content, but that you want them to get value from their experience of being involved with you. Retweeting sends out a message of confidence to your followers, and it highlights you are not only ‘agenda-driven’ but actually care about your sector and your followers.
Another not so obvious benefit of retweeting is that you also build relationships with people in your sector or industry. When you retweet someone’s article or blog and give them credit, you are complimenting their work and immediately a relationship is born. They will perhaps return the compliment by retweeting your links and so on. You are also directly promoting them through their work so this isn’t simply about saying a ‘hi’ in a networking session!
With retweeting, you are building relationships with your followers who are your clients and customers who in turn will naturally spend more time and money with you. You also build relationships with fellow professionals, experts and other people who are interested in the content your followers are interested in. And by building your powerful network your Twitter account is transformed! No longer is it simply about self promotion and trying to stand out, but moving an entire sector forward and working together in unity towards a better, wiser and more connected world. By adding this kind of value to your twitter account, greater sales will naturally follow and people will want to continue coming back.
If you want to find out more Red Idea is always here.
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